Nutraceutical Aloe Vera Gel Scaffolds for Supporting a Healthy Muscle Movement

Akira Yagi, Megumi Hasegawa, Miiko Mikami, Amal Kabbash, Suzuka Ataka


Nutraceutical Aloe vera gel scaffolds, such as acemannan, promote soft tissue organization in biomedical applications and polymeric matrix. Aloe vera hydrogels can induce a much-controlled release of active ingredients and be used as bio-functional scaffolds in a biodegradable form. The before or after questionnaire response for locomotive syndrome was administered: Nutraceutical supplement composed of enzyme-hydrolyzed natural eggshell membrane and curcumin, with Aloe vera juice (AVJ) scaffolds, showed the possible improvement of joint comfort and flexibility. The efficacy for pain and stiffness associated with arthralgia of the knee and hip was evaluated based on locomotive syndrome risk test. Furthermore, w-3polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and L-Arginine with AVJ revealed a possible dietary efficacy for Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients at stage 3. Prophylactic possible efficacies of AVJ as bio-functional scaffolds are fully expected for increasing collagen synthesis in knee and/or hip joint healing and for mitigation of risk factors of PD patients with diabetes.


Nutraceutical; Aloe vera gel scaffolds; Healthy muscles support; Questionnaire response

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